I'm a recovering Blackberry-in-the-car (well, everywhere) addict, so when I heard that Oprah is on a crusade to save her employees lives by asking them to sign a pledge promising to not text or talk on their phones while driving, I thought it was pretty smart, if not a bit bold. Here's why I think Lady O is wise to do this (and why you should make a similar no-phone-in-the-car pledge) ...
Before I continue writing, I will confess, I relapsed this week and answered a call in the car (while driving) and also texted at a stoplight. I felt horrible about this, because I know how dangerous it is to be a distracted driver--with kids in the backseat. Shame on me.
So, the news about Oprah's quest to save her employees lives by making them promise to set their cell phones aside while driving really resonated with me. I think it's smart, and as Glamour has reported in the past, distracted driving (particularly fueled by texting) is a major safety issue for women (and men). I applaud Oprah for taking a stand.
But here's the rub, according to reports, some of her employees are miffed by Ms. Winfrey's new rule (which also restricts hands-free devices): While Oprah's heart is certainly in the right place, many felt her tactics were heavy-handed and that she shouldn't be ruling their lives," reports RadarOnline.
I say, stop the whining HARPO peeps! You have a great job and a boss who cares about you. And texting/talking in the car is dangerous to you and others. Just sayin'.
What do you think? Is Oprah's rule too out there or is it a good idea? Do you text/talk while driving?
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