Friday, March 30, 2012

Health Benefits of Sea Salt

Sea salt is obtained after the evaporation of seawater. It is different from modern refined salt and plays a key role in maintaining the body's electrolyte balance. To know some more health benefits of sea salt, read on.

Sea salt is found in the form of fine or coarse grain, and contains more than a 100 minerals in it. Sea salt and refined salt have the same nutritional value, but they differ in their taste and texture. Table salt is obtained from the rock salt that is mined from mineral deposits. Due to the variations in their refining processes, both salts differ in taste and texture. The end product after refining either of the salts is sodium chloride, which is necessary for the body to function properly. According to experts, recommended intake of sodium should be somewhere between 1,500 and 2,300 milligrams per day, for healthy adults. Hence, some people prefer using sea salt in their food as it has a more subtle flavor.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Health Benefits of Raw Honey

The sweetness of raw fresh honey is natural and so, many of us opt for it as an alternative to regular table sugar. Do you know it is good for our health too? You can gather more information on health benefits of raw honey from this article. Read on...

Raw fresh honey is a naturally occurring substance, which has been in use since ancient times across various cultures. Raw honey means it is not processed or heated and is unpasteurized. Organic raw honey grown in your locality is the best for your consumption as you can obtain it fresh. Moreover, the honey is obtained from the bees that are grown in the same surroundings as yours and so it has those components required for stimulating your immunity in that particular environment. Apart from being good in taste, it has good healing properties. Here, you will come to know about various health benefits of raw honey.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is a nicely flavored, healthy drink. It possesses antioxidant properties that offer a number of health benefits. Read on to know more about the health benefits of pomegranate juice.

Pomegranate fruit has become extremely popular worldwide for its delicious taste and medicinal properties. Originally, the fruit was grown in Asia and the Middle East region. It is also called Granada or the Chinese apple. Nowadays, pomegranate is also grown in Africa and the United States. It is best cultivated in the hot climate. A peculiar feature of a pomegranate tree is that it can live for many years. Pomegranate fruit is spherical in shape with numerous small seeds inside. Pomegranate fruit appears very attractive due to the ruby-colored seeds. This citrus-flavored fruit is very juicy and can be used to prepare variety of food recipes and drinks/cocktails. Pomegranate is consumed in its original form or as juice. Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants. It can be used to treat various health problems such as diarrhea, piles, constipation, intestinal worms, anemia, cough, etc.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Facial Liposuction

Are you planning to get a facial liposuction? If yes, read on to know the procedure, recovery time, and other useful information on the facial liposuction procedure.

Beauty or looks of a person are measured on the basis of how his or her face looks. Our face is also something people recognize us by. Thus, maintaining its beauty and freshness is what most of us strive for. That is why we see so many beauty salons mushrooming all around us, which offer facials, face massages, and other such services to make us look younger. However, there is nothing these salons can do to get rid of the fat on the face, which makes a person look much older than he actually is. Although regular exercising and a controlled diet can be quite useful to get rid of excess body fats, these techniques can prove to be quite ineffective as far as fats on the face are concerned. This is where facial liposuction step in. Facial liposuction refers to the surgery that is performed to remove the excess fats from the parts of the face that are prone to fat accumulation, such as the chin, neck, jaws and the cheeks. Let us discuss a bit more about this procedure.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Health Benefits of Pizza

In the past it was commonly believed that pizza was not really a healthy food. Part of the reason for this is that it was put in the same group as other fast foods, such as hamburgers and fries. This is a major misconception, as pizza can actually be a highly nutritional meal.

One of the main ingredients of pizza is the tomato, which contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Lycopene is known to help fight many different types of cancer. Studies have shown that people who eat pizza at least once a week were much less likely to develop colon and mouth cancer as well as stomach and lung cancer. It is known to be especially helpful in fighting prostate cancer. Studies have shown that eating pizza can lower your chance of developing esophageal cancer by nearly 59%.

Health Benefits of owning a trampoline

Trampolining is a great holistic health giver, bringing both physical and mental benefits to adults and children alike. In comparison to jogging, for example, trampolining is more effective, faster: with a ten minute session providing equivalent benefits to a half hour run, yet, says NASA, also being 68% more effective!

The benefits of trampolines are endless. Irrespective of the level of skill involved in bouncing, anybody who undertakes trampolining as an exercise regularly benefits in different ways. The health benefits of trampoline exercises are strong enough to make people undertake this form of exercise.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Health Benefits of Lemon Water

Lemon water is a refreshing drink, known for providing numerous health benefits. It is also a good regimen for beauty care. For detailed information on the health benefits of lemon water, read on...

Lemon is an inexpensive, easily available citrus fruit, popular for its culinary and medicinal uses. It is used to prepare a variety of food recipes such as lemon cakes, lemon chicken and beverages like lemonade and lemon-flavored drinks. It is also used for garnishing. Lemon juice consists of about 5% citric acid that gives a tart taste to lemon. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C. It also contains vitamins like vitamin B, riboflavin and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium as well as proteins and carbohydrates. Lemon is generally consumed in the form of lemon juice or lemon water. Lemon water makes a healthy drink, when taken in the morning. Daily consumption of lemon water provides a number of health benefits.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Health Benefits of Hula Hooping

A fun activity to exercise one’s hips, back, buttocks and legs is hula hooping. This article gives an insight into the health benefits of hula hooping. Read on

Do you know "Hula Hooping" was an ancient invention? There are historical evidences to prove hooping was one of the exercises practiced by the Greeks. In olden days, hoops were made from wood, bamboo, grasses, vines and at times from metals such as iron and copper. The Hula-hoops that are available in the market today are made from safe plastics. Hooping as a toy for children was introduced in Great Britain in the 14th century. In the early 19th century, some British soldiers happened to witness "Hula" dancing in the islands of Hawaii. The hooping and hula dancing had some similarities because dancing used the hoops. Hence, the name Hula Hooping was given to this fun activity and exercise.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea

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Ginseng Tea:

Ginseng, botanical name Panax ('All Heal' in Greek) is a perennial plant with a fleshy root. You can make herbal tea from the fleshy root of the Ginseng plant. Ginseng Tea is said to have many healing and energy-giving properties. All the health benefits are brought about due to the presence of natural chemicals called 'Ginsenosides' in the Ginseng root.

Ginseng originated in Manchuria and has been in use for some 5000 years. It was called 'Ren Shen' by the Ancient Chinese. 'Ren Shen' means 'Man Root' and refers to the human-like shape of the Ginseng root. In Korea and Japan, Ginseng is called 'Ninjin'. The Chinese placed great faith in Ginseng and considered it a sort of rejuvenating, cure-all palliative for a variety of ailments. They also believed that regular drinking of Ginseng Tea would lead to a long life. Ginseng was so valuable it was bartered for silk and even prized above gold. The demand was such that the supply of Ginseng from the Chinese Mainland was not enough and the Chinese had to import it from Korea. Soon the Ginseng stock in the wild was exhausted and commercial cultivation became inevitable. However, Wild Ginseng has more medicinal value than cultivated Ginseng.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Health Benefits of Coffee

Many of you will be a bit surprised to know that there are several health benefits of coffee. Go through this article to find out how coffee benefits your health.

Those of you who are a regular coffee drinker will agree with me that it has a unique taste and aroma that gives us an instant refreshing feel. This makes coffee one of the most popular beverages among people all across the world irrespective of their cultures. Many of us cannot even think of starting out a day without having a cup of coffee. For past many years, it was widely known that coffee is bad for health. It often gives us a sense of guilt that the beverage that we like so much is causing harm to our health. However, in recent times, due to its immense popularity, lots of research studies have been conducted to find out about the risk of drinking coffee. Nutrition facts for coffee obtained from these studies suggest that the health benefits of coffee are much higher than the health risks associated with it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a popular bedtime drink, due to its mild relaxing effects and caffeine-free nature. This article explores some of the numerous health benefits of chamomile tea, and also a few cautionary points.

Chamomile tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea and popular bedtime drink, tea widely consumed in western countries. Chamomile's role as a bedtime tea is due largely to its mild relaxing effect: the herb acts as a mild relaxant without acting as a strong sedative. However, chamomile tea has a number of potent and less well-known health benefits. Chamomile is not just a popular herbal tea, but it is also a powerful medicine with the potential to treat or prevent a number of medical conditions, not the least of which is type II diabetes.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera or the medicinal aloe is a succulent plant, native to north Africa. The health benefits associated with the plant and sap are many. Aloe vera is an essential part of herbal remedies for the skin and numerous internal ailments...

Aloe Vera Plant:

The aloe vera species is also referred to as Indian Aloe, Barbados Aloe, Wand of Heaven, First Aid Plant, Burn Aloe, Chinese Aloe and in the laboratory, A. barbadensis Mill, Aloe perfoliata L. var. vera, Aloe indica Royle and even the Miracle Plant. The plant is related to the Aloes species of northern Africa. The plant thrives in the tropical climates of Asia and Africa. It is being cultivated on a large scale for the medicinal properties inherent. The sap of the plant is used in a number of cosmetics and medicines. It has a healing and soothing effect on flaky and dry skin and is also used in the treatment of diabetes. It is potent with mannans, polysaccharides, lectins and anthraquinones.

Friday, March 2, 2012



Generic Name: acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine (ah SEET a MIN oh fen, ASP i rin, and KAF een)

Brand Names: Anacin Advanced Headache Formula, Excedrin, Genace, Goodys Extra Strength, Goodys Headache Powders

What is Excedrin?

Excedrin contains a combination of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and a fever reducer. Aspirin is in a group of drugs called salicylates (sa-LIS-il-ates). It works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain, fever, and inflammation. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It relaxes muscle contractions in blood vessels to improve blood flow.