Proteins are supposed to be good for health. Then why does a canine need low protein dog food ? What is low protein dog food and what are low protein dog food recipes? The following article is an elaboration of all these queries and questions regarding low protein dog food.
Low protein dog food is a variety of dog food, that is many a times prescribed by vets to dogs in order to help them overcome some or the other ailment or disorder. This variety of dog food is named so obviously due to the fact that the protein content in the food is lesser than the usual dog food. It should be noted that low protein dog food should not be given to your dog unless and until it is prescribed by a vet. It should be noted that a normal and healthy dog requires about 25% of protein in his daily diet. According to animal experts and vets, an over consumption of proteins is not good for a dog's health, as the regular over consumption and digestion of proteins results into production of toxins in the dog's body. These toxins eventually result in the malfunctioning of kidneys and the urinary tract. Hence your dog's protein intake must be controlled.
When is Low Protein Dog Food Prescribed
The answer to this question is very simple. As mentioned earlier, under normal circumstances, a dog needs 25% of proteins in his food to stay healthy. It has been observed by the animal experts that dogs suffering from ailments related to the urinary tract need low amounts of protein. The following are some of the related ailments when low protein dog food is prescribed by vets.
Genetic kidney related diseases
Chronic kidney failure
Acute kidney failure
Urinary tract and kidney failure as a result of parasite borne diseases
Congestive heart failure
Urinary stones
Low Protein Dog Food Recipe
It has been observed that there are very less recipes for low protein dog food. This kind of food is hard to come by in super markets, due to the fact that there is low demand for low protein dog food. It is always advisable that you prepare the low protein dog food at home. There are some genuine advantages of doing so. The first advantage is that you can maintain and have assured safety and hygiene standards while making low protein dog food for your pet. The second advantage is that the preservatives and chemicals that tend to damage your dog's health, are avoided. The third advantage is that your sick pet feels good and joyous if the food has been cooked by you.
The following is a recipe for dog cookies that have low amounts of fat, protein and phosphorus.
To make the low protein cookies, you will need rice flour or bleach flour (all-purpose), 1/ 2 spoon garlic powder that is freshly made, 6 table spoons of low sodium, low fat chicken broth, Ѕ cup cold water and a cup of low protein vegetables, cooked and ground. For the vegetables, preferably use winter squashes, sweet potatoes or zucchini.
It must be noted that this recipe requires a preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. First mix the flour and the garlic powder in a bowl. In the bowl put in the chicken broth and cooked and ground vegetables. Next, pour adequate water in the mixture and make a ball of the dough-like mixture. Roll out and pat the ball into a fine and even layer on the kitchen platform. Next cut out some nice shapes like a star or a heart from the layer. Place the cookies on a non-stick baking cookie sheet and bake them for 25 minutes in the oven. Cool down the cookies before serving.
Before making the low protein cookies for your dog, get the recipe approved from your vet. One must also remember that a dog is just like a human being. No matter how many dishes are fed to your pet, it won't recover if it does not have a joyous and loving surrounding.
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