My daughter asked me to help her to explain the birds and the bee's to an 18 year old who lost her mother at a young age, and who had a father who was unable to broach the subject with her. This comes at a time that I am studying the Kabbalah in an online course. The technical side of Kabbalah and the spiritual side have different dialogues, and to keep the sex talk out of the classroom, the course focuses on strictly the technical side of this fascinating subject.
I can understand why the sexual portion is not discussed as it denegrates into discussion of position, technique, or just a misunderstanding of what Kabbalah means in this realm. I was fortunate to spend 10 years with a husband who understood the Kabbalah and it's meanings, and gave me what information that he felt I needed to understand. Within the text it states, "God counts a woman's tears". This is because women are born with a 6th sense that men must study to achieve. At the start of the course, this passage was not stated. It was told that the study course was to open up that 6th sense so that a person could improve their relationship with our creator and know the wisdom that flows to and through our hearts that is from God's kingdom. My husband, all those years ago simply told me that I was a natural at the practice of Kabbalah, and that he was grateful for that in his life. Until I started the study course, I was not sure what he meant, although I felt his meaning. I always trust in the outworkings of my life and that I am guided by divine words and insights that have never led me astray. Now that I am studying the text itself, it is making sense to me and putting to words that which I could only feel but never put to words. The course is just a reminder to me of what I do naturally.
In the terms of sexuality in our day and age, I do believe that we have over stimulated ourselves and are not able to reach that spiritual form without practice. It states that "God counts a woman's tears", because with our 6th sense we know the thoughts and wants of God. To keep that within our hearts, it was believed that women would not have to learn the Kabbalah, but that the husband needed to so that he could treat his wife in a manner that encouraged her connection. My husband simply explained to me about the sexuality of it that the word "orgasm" meant " a little taste of death." That if we had this profound pleasure together as man and wife, that I was my husband's merkaba to take his prayers to the very feet of God. To do this I had to keep my knowledge of my divine spirit. That divine spark within that guides me in my life.
I think many have lost this connection. To me sexuality is spiritual. It is the connection of two divine spirits that if the connection is made in unconditional love can change the world. This is the energy that can truly manifest creation on earth. In our society of seeking pleasure simply for pleasure, we have lost our divine connection. Through being reared that sex was a taboo subject and not told of the truly spiritual experience it could be, it took me many years to overcome the stigma even with my husband. Finding the words for even my own daughter has been difficult, for how do you explain the divine spirit? How do you tell someone about what they are inside and how we are to use our pleasures to please God? To my daughter, that concept was difficult, but without the stigma within our home, she is closer to understanding that statement more than most. I can explain sexuality and sensuality to these young women, but how to explain the divine purpose that they were born to fulfill is a difficult challenge.
I think in loosing our connection to our divine selves, and the focus on the human body rather than the divine spirit has been the cause of the disruptions within humanity. You cannot find that divine connection outside of yourself, and I cannot explain how I became the merkaba to my husband. It is just something that when you understand the nature of your being, you just do. There is no formula, meditation, or course that can show you the divine within. That is something you just must experience for yourself. As a woman, I can tell my daughter and others of the task that we are to be with our husband's. That our connection to one another on the divine level of experience is what we should be trying to achieve. That hopping from one bed to another will not bring you the satisfaction that you seek, nor will it fulfill within you the pleasure that you seek. That must be found by knowing the divine essence of your partner as well as yourself. The world, it seems, knows that there is something missing. In this world of seeking more from outside of themselves will not bring the satisfaction that they seek. It is truly through unconditional love and seeing past the human body that we find that perfect bliss.
It is through our overstimulation that makes sexuality a bad thing. Seeking pleasure in this way only leaves a body searching for more or better ways, but the truth is, it will not be found this way. It isn't what a person has on this planet, or a position, or even a mechanical device that will bring satisfaction intimately. Intimacy is touching souls, not bodies. For me, I know when a man touches my spirit, there is nothing that can stop the pleasure that I recieve. I do not even need to be touched physically if I am with the right divine spirit. I am but a vessel that is filled with intense pleasure from God to share with that divine spirit that I am with. In seeing the depth of our relationship between her father and I, my daughter understands even though she cannot verbalize this. It is what we do that teaches our children more than what we can say. She understood in his respect and gentleness with me in all we did together, what a truly divine relationship looked like. Felt like.
For these young women, I can only hope to find the words to bring understanding to the true miracles that they are to humankind. That our sensuality is a gift to be shared in our relationships, and it is within ourselves not outside of ourselves that we find this connection. I will leave a quote from a Kabbalah scholar that sums it up beautifully..
"According to Kabbalah, God intended sex to be a never ending passionate experience. Overflowing with profound pleasure, and breathless excitement. Sex is the most powerful way to experience the light of the creator. It is also one of the most powerful ways to transform the world." Kaballah Scholar, Yohuda Berg
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