Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Health Benefits of Raw Honey

The sweetness of raw fresh honey is natural and so, many of us opt for it as an alternative to regular table sugar. Do you know it is good for our health too? You can gather more information on health benefits of raw honey from this article. Read on...

Raw fresh honey is a naturally occurring substance, which has been in use since ancient times across various cultures. Raw honey means it is not processed or heated and is unpasteurized. Organic raw honey grown in your locality is the best for your consumption as you can obtain it fresh. Moreover, the honey is obtained from the bees that are grown in the same surroundings as yours and so it has those components required for stimulating your immunity in that particular environment. Apart from being good in taste, it has good healing properties. Here, you will come to know about various health benefits of raw honey.

What are the Benefits of Raw Honey

Raw honey is a highly nutritious substance. It supplies many useful nutrients to our body like carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and phytonutrients. Due to the carbohydrates, raw honey gives us a good amount of energy. It can strengthen our immunity system and helps us fight against many types of bacteria. Honey helps to heal up various types of wounds. As the sugar content in honey is very high and water content is low, it is capable of absorbing the excess of moisture within a wound. Due to the lack of moisture, the bacteria does not get suitable environment to grow and thus, they die. In some specific varieties of honey, hydrogen peroxide is present in large quantities, which helps to destroy the micro-organisms in a wound. Propolis is another compound present in raw honey, which is capable of killing various bacteria.

Health Benefits of Raw Honey

Organic raw honey acts as a good energizer and provides energy instantly. The carbohydrates of raw honey increases our bodily strength and help us to get rid of muscle fatigue. It also works effectively on morning sickness. Sore throats like pharyngitis and laryngitis are healed up with the help of raw honey. Raw honey combined with apple cider vinegar is a good medicine for constipation, pain in stomach and migraines. Raw honey does not contain any cholesterol and is also beneficial in controlling cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart attacks.

When taken along with cinnamon, honey can provide significant relief to joint pain in arthritis, within a short span of time. The same components are also used to treat stomach infections, bladder infections. They can stop bad breath in an effective way. Research suggests that honey and cinnamon, when applied directly in the hair, can reduce the process of hair loss.

Raw honey mixed with lemon, when consumed regularly, helps convert the accumulated fat into usable energy and brings down the body weight. Raw honey can be applied as an ointment on diabetic ulcers and skin diseases like eczema. Raw honey is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin and hence used for facial treatment. Rub gently, one teaspoon of raw honey with lukewarm water, on your face daily and you can get a soft and glowing skin within a week. You can use it even if your skin is acne prone, as raw honey has a healing effect on the acne.

Raw honey can be preserved without any artificial help and it can work as a good preservative too. Every morning, you can take two teaspoons of raw fresh honey with warm water or you can add it to your morning tea as well. Despite so many health benefits of raw honey, it is not good for babies below the age of one year. This is because, a bacteria botulinum endospores is found in honey naturally, which can cause infection in the intestines of the child as their immunity is not developed enough to stop the growth of this bacteria.

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